I want to start off by first expressing my gratitude for being able to share my experiences and what I have learned in my Family Studies class this semester. I have grown so much, and I have developed new skills about building effective relationships that I want to continue using in my life.
One of the most important concepts I have learned this semester is how to effectively communicate with others. I didn’t realize how bad I was at communicating with others until I took this class. I’m not a confrontational person and often I would avoid talking about serious subjects with other people because I didn’t want to either get into a disagreement or hurt their feelings. This caused me to not talk about my feelings with others and often times people would treat me unfairly because they knew I wouldn’t say anything about it. This semester I have worked on expressing myself in a thoughtful manner and trying to have deeper conversations with other people. I’ve noticed that I’m a lot happier because I don’t bottle things up anymore and people are treating me with more respect. I’m currently in a relationship and one thing we talk about is how important communication is to us. We are both the kind of people that are fine with not talking for long periods of time, but we both realized that it wouldn’t be good for us to develop habits like that and so we both try to communicate with each other as often as we can.
Along with communication, I also enjoyed learning how to date effectively this past semester. Being a student at BYUI-Do, there is a lot of pressure on going on dates and finding “the one”. Often that mindset would get into my head and I would say no to dates because I had this notion that if I went on one date, it would lead to a relationship I didn’t want. Looking back, I wish I had said yes to a couple of dates because I know now that I would have had a great time and I would have gotten to develop more friendships with guys. One of the things that I appreciated about this class is that my professor stressed a lot about taking the time to get to know someone. In the LDS culture, it’s very common for people to become engaged after a month of knowing each other. If it works for them great, but I’m the kind of person that doesn’t like surprises. Taking the time to get to know someone is important because you get to know the person for who they are, and you learn about yourself and what kind of personality works best with yours. People can make most relationships work, but I would rather be in one where I have a better understanding of what I’m getting into than to blindly follow my heart into something that may not last.
There are so many more things from this semester that I want to talk about, but I will leave you with one more thought which is learning to understand. Learning how to understand someone has helped my life in so many ways. As a friend, I have been able to connect with so many people on a deeper level because I was willing to listen to them and try to understand what they are going through. I have had many friends come up to me and say thank you because I was becoming a better listener and they felt they could talk to me more than they did before.
This class has been such a blessing to me because it has taught me how to be a better friend and family member. The relationships that I have are the most important to me and this semester has opened my eyes on how I can be and do better in my life.